2017-18 Contest

Goddess Theme

Goddess is  the theme for the annual contest. 

Entries will be voted on at the 2018 February 9th regular membership meeting.  

2016-17 Contest Rules Are Simple

1. You must be a paid member of the Kansas City Bead Society to participate in the contest and/or to vote in the contest.

2. Your contest piece must be an original design with a Goddess theme and contain beads.

3. You may use any technique including, but not limited to:  off-loom beadweaving, loom

     beadweaving, bead stringing, bead embroidery, bead crochet, bead knitting, macrame,

     kumihimo, wirework, metalwork, polymer clay, and mixed media, just to name a few


4. Please name your contest piece.

5. Contest pieces must be turned in at the February 9, 2018 Bead Society meeting along with a

    completed entry form. If you are not able to attend the meeting, you may still enter the contest by submitting

    your piece and a completed entry form to a member of the Program Committee prior to the meeting.

 Prizes will be awarded as follows:

                         1st Prize: $75.00

                         2nd Prize: $50.00  

                         3rd Prize: $25.00

 All contest pieces will be held by the Kansas City Bead Society after the February 9, 2018

      meeting to be used for the following: 

    Display in locked cases at the Gem & Mineral Show in March

       Photographs to be published on KCBS website and/or Facebook page.

Contest pieces will be returned after the close of the Gem & Mineral Show on Sunday or at the next KCBS

   monthly meeting.