April 2018 Program

Carrier Bead EarringsTanya Goodwin will show us how to turn a pair of carrier beads into earrings.

Carrier beads, also known as 2 hole pillow beads, can be used as a support for a strip of peyote beadwork, resulting in a quick and easy beaded bead.  This beaded bead can be embellished with crystals to create a sparkly pair of earrings.

NOTE:  The Bead Society will provide everyone with 2 carrier beads.  Tanya will have a limited amount of carrier beads for sale at $.25 each or 5 for $1.00 if beaders would like extra.


2 colors of size 11 delica beads (250 color A and 100 color B beads)

Size 15 round seed beads

10 3mm pearls, crystals or size 8 seed beads

Needle, thread, etc.