March Program



 Change In Regular Meeting Location


The regular March meeting will be held a the Gem & Mineral Show location :


    BTC - Business & Technology College

    1775 Universal Avenue

     Kansas City, Mo Room

     TC200 (upstairs)


Here is a map link:


Meeting will be at 7:00 pm (show closes at 8:00 pm). 


Come early to view and shop.  Stay for an interesting



Our program is a special presentation by

Scott Sucher  discussing the  legendary Toison d’Or

de la Parure de Couleur, or “Golden Fleece of the

Colored Adornment” of King Louis XV of France.

Scott did a great presentation last year about diamonds.


We will need your help to add stamps and address

labels to our first Bead Blast Mailer.  We will work on it

at the meeting.  The Bead Blast  is getting

close.  You will get the first glimps at class offerings. 


Guests are welcome.