2014 Annual Contest

                    CONTEST RULES

This year each participant will receive one large titanium druzy quartz bead (also known as a “Smiling Buddha” bead) and six small faceted titanium hematite beads.  Using these seven beads, contestants will create an original design.  

Here are the rules for this year’s contest:

1.  You must use all seven beads.

2.  The seven beads must be visible and identifiable in the finished piece.  People at the Gem & Mineral Show and Bead Blast  

     have told me that they like to see the different ways that each contestant use the contest beads.  If you hide them, it spoils 

     the effect.

3.  Your finished piece must be an original design.

4.  You may use as many additional beads as you like – after all we are the KC BeadSociety!

5.  You may use any technique including but not necessarily limited to:  stringing, on- or off-loom bead weaving, bead embroidery, 

      bead crochet, kumihimo, wirework, metalwork, polymer clay, PMC, or mixed media as long as you incorporate all of the    

      contest beads.

6.  You must name your creation.

7.  You must enjoy creating your contest piece.

8.  Pieces not complying with the rules will be removed from the competition by members of the Program Committee.

9.  Finished pieces will be judged and voted upon by the paid members at the February meeting of the KC Bead Society.   

 Prizes will be awarded as follows:

1st Prize:  $50.00    2nd Prize:  25.00    3rd Prize:  1 year KCBS membership dues

If you take contest beads but do not submit a finished entry, you must pay the Bead Society $5.


All contest pieces will be kept by the KC Bead Society to be photographed for publication on the website and Facebook pages, and displayed at the Gem Show in March and Bead Blast in May.  Contest pieces will be returned to their creators if possible at the close of Bead Blast.  Pieces not claimed after Bead Blast will be returned at the June meeting of the KC Bead Sociey.


We look forward to seeing some fabulous pieces to represent the creativity of the KC Bead Society.