July Program


Chain, Chain, Chain & Leather



Our own Jennifer Harrah will teach you this trendy little bracelet in a flash.  Bring the supplies on the list below and leave with a finished Bracelet.  Jennifer says she learned this from Steve at Bokamo.  Jennifer says she purchased her chain and leather from Bokamo at the Bead Blast.  She suggests you check your local bead stores for chain and leather.




         Rolo Chain:  Approximately 2 ft (desired bracelet length x 3)

         1mm-2mm Leather Cord (depending on size of Rolo chain):  Approximately 4.5 ft (double the chain length + 6" for the tails)

         2 Beads with holes large enough for the leather

         Wire Cutters strong enough to cut through the chain

         2 Round-nose Pliers to pull open the chain link