December Celebration, Dinner & Ornament Exchange

Come and join in the Holiday fun on December 12th.   The evening will begin with a  Pot Luck dinner.  The Bead Society will provide the Main Dish (Ham and Beef).  Members are asked to bring a covered dish such as fruit, vegetables or a salad. Utensils, plates and napkins will be provided by one of our members. The rest is up to you.  

We will hold our annual garage sale so bring items you would like to sell or trade.  

Bring your donations for Hope House.  Help make someone's holiday a little brighter with a piece of hand made jewelry.

There will be no regular Membership Meeting.

Celebrate the winter with your fellow bead society members and participate in the Annual Ornament Exchange.  

See below for the theme and rules rfor the exchange. 

Mary Lynne Westerverlt  Announced the Theme for the December Ornament Exchange:

                                          "Peace on Earth"

Every day it seems the news of the world gets worse with horrific stories of Ferguson MO, Syria, Gaza, Ukraine, just to name a few, dominating our consciousness. Even our entertainment offers no escape with daily stories of sports figures and celebrities who brutalize women and spread bigotry. It's enough to make a girl want to turn off the news completely and hide in her beading room. With that in mind, I have chosen the theme for this year's ornament exchange to be "Peace on Earth".  By Mary Lynne Westervelt

Here are the rules for this year:

A word about the past practice of "stealing" ornaments: I know that some of our members feel that this is a tradition. From talking to a number of members, I know that many people do not like this so-called tradition and that it has led to hurt feelings in the past – especially when members have worked very hard on an ornament only to have the recipient blatantly asking for someone to "steal" it. In addition, this "stealing" takes additional time, and our society has grown in membership to the point where it is no longer practical to drag out the process. Finally, this practice is not in keeping with this year's theme. Peace, ladies and gentlemen! 

By Mary Lynne Westervelt