July Program

Gail Swarie will teach embellished two needle right angle weave at the July meeting.

She will be referring to the technique used in Carol Cypher's book "Mastering Beadwork" 

pages115-117.  You can make a necklace or bracelet using this technique.     

Join us for "Early Bird" beading beginning at 5 pm.




                                   Bring your copy of Mastering Beadwork by Carol Cypher.  

                             Beads size 6. 8 and 11

                                        (if you are doing this for the first time, a separate colors for each size might help) 


                             6 lb. Fireline or thread of choice (you will be making multiple passes) 

                             Two needles (flexible and not sharp, so they don't split the thread) 

                             Bead mat


                            Mastering Beadwork by Carol Cypher is available at local bead shops and for download in several e-reader formats.