January Program 2016

Fringe Bracelet from Whim Beads

Beki at Whimbeads has given us permission to use her pattern for the Fringe Bracelet. This project will be a great way to use materials from your stash or leftovers from other projects.  You can put just about anything on a Fringe Bracelet.  It doesn't just have to be seed beads.  It has been suggested that you may want to make the base before you come to the meeting and then you can spend the evening making your fringe as wild or calm as you like.  I usually use size 8 or size 6 seed beads for the base. These sizes will allow for several passes through the beads.  I also use regular beading wire with crimps to make the base.  This seems to make it a little stronger particularly if heavy beads are used in the fringe. I also use 6lb or 8lb Fireline. Members are asked to go to Whimbeads to download and print their pattern.  Here is the link below:

                                                                                                  Or Go To:


                                                                                                  Scroll down to bottom of the home page and

                                                                                                  Select Classroom

                                                                                                  Scroll to Free Tutorials where you will findThe Fringe Bracelet Pattern 

                                                                                                  Join us for "Early Bird Beading" at 5 pm.