Bead Society of Greater Kansas City
By-Laws as amended October 2015
Article I: NAME: The name of this organization shall be “Bead Society of Greater Kansas City”, here
after referred to as the Society.
Article II: MISSION STATEMENT: Because of our love of beads, our mission shall be to promote
interest in, to champion awareness about, to enhance knowledge of and to advance the study of
A. Membership shall be open to all persons who are interested in the mission and objectives of
the Society.
B. Annual membership fees of $24.00 shall be due in February. The Executive Board, subject to
ratification at the January meeting, shall fix the amount of annual dues for all members when
the budget is submitted. Dues shall be based on calendar years. First year dues may be
prorated monthly for new members who join within a calendar year. Honorary members
shall not be required to pay annual dues.
C. Any individual shall become a member upon payment of annual dues.
D. With the exception of honorary membership, persons who pay the appropriate dues for the
calendar year shall become members of the society. Individuals may be granted honorary
membership by a vote of the membership.
E. All members whose dues are paid current shall have the right to voice and vote in all general
meetings of the society. An honorary member shall not be entitled to voice nor vote in the
meetings of the society.
F. Any members whose dues are not paid by February 1 of the calendar year shall be notified.
Members who have not remitted their dues within thirty (30) days after notification shall be
dropped from the rolls without further notification.
G. Any member may resign in writing to the secretary. Members who have been dropped may
be reinstated at any time by the payment of one year’s dues. Only current members shall
have the right to vote or hold office in the society. Membership in this society is not
Section 1: General meetings shall be held on the second (2nd) Friday of each month. A notice
stating the place, date and hour of any meeting shall be given in the society’s newsletter and
posted on the society’s web site. A business meeting of the members of the society shall be held
in conjunction with each general meeting. Special meetings of the members may be called by
the president, the executive board or by petition of not less than one-fourth (1/4) of the members
having voting rights.
Section 2: At any general meeting a motion shall carry by a majority vote of the members
Article V: OFFICERS:
The elective officers shall be: President, First-Vice President (Program/Activity), Second Vice-
President (Ways & Means), Third Vice-President (Communications), Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 1:
a. Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting each June (starting 2007) to serve for a
term of one (1) year commencing at the beginning of the July meeting.
b. The members present at the June annual meeting shall constitute a sufficient number
to hold an election.
Section 2:
a. A nominating committee shall be installed prior to the June annual meeting. The
President shall appoint the chairperson and two members shall be elected from the
b. Said nominating committee shall prepare a list of candidates for the elective offices.
Such list shall be presented at the June annual meeting.
c. Nominations may also be made from the floor.
Section 3: Officers shall be installed and assume their duties at the beginning of their term.
Section 1: The elected officers shall meet to complete the Executive Board.
Section 2: Board meetings are open to the general membership. Only elected officers shall vote.
Section 3: No elected officer shall receive salaries or stipends for their services.
Section 4: Only an elected officer shall sign contracts for approved activities.
Section 5: The President shall:
a. Preside at all general and board meetings.
b. Prior to each meeting, prepare an agenda of business to be brought up at the meeting.
c. Appoint members to chair the Society's committees.
d. Be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
e. Appoint a person to collect and distribute mail from the Society’s official post office
Section 6: 1st Vice-President for Programs/Activities shall:
a. Assume the duties of the President in his or her absence.
b. Assume the Chairmanship of the Program Committee, i.e. provide programs at all
meetings and make arrangements for such meetings.
c. Monitor and assist the committee chairmen for all committees involving activities for
the Society including but not limited to:
(i.) Hospitality Committee
- New member orientation - i.e., welcome call, orientation packet, name
- Greeting members at meetings
- Refreshments
(ii.) Enrichment Committee
- Workshops
- Retreats
- Bead-Ins
(iii.) Volunteer Committee
- All volunteer efforts
Section 7: 2nd Vice President for Ways & Means (Fundraising) shall:
a. Assume the duties of the President or 1st Vice President in his or her absence.
b. House and make available the Society's banner(s) and other signage.
c. Coordinate all fundraising activities.
d. Facilitate member discussions for the specific purpose of generating ideas for
fundraising events.
e. Monitor and assist the committee chairman for committees involved in fundraising
activities including but not limited to the following:
(i). Bead Blast Committee
- All aspects of the Bead Blast
(ii). Educational Resources Committee
- Maintain a list of qualified teachers
(iii). Marketing and Publicity Committee
- All aspects of advertising
Section 8: 3rd Vice-President for Communications
a. Assume the duties of the President, 1st Vice President or 2nd Vice President in the
event of his or her absence.
b. Monitor and assist the committee chairman for committees involved in
communications including but not limited to the following:
(i). Newsletter Committee
– All aspects of the Society’s newsletter.
(ii). Website / Email Committee
– All aspects of the website
– Direct email to the appropriate party
(iii). Librarian
- Obtain and maintain a library of books, videos and periodicals on the
subject of beads.
- Make the contents of the library available to members.
- Maintain a list of relevant books, videos and periodicals available for
(iv). Historian
- Maintain all Society records
- Maintain copies of newsletters, past and current.
- Keep a history of all events (i.e. pictures of Bead Blasts)
Section 9: The Secretary shall:
a. Assume the duties of the President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President or 3rd Vice
President in the event of his or her absence.
b. Record the proceedings of all General Meetings and meetings of the Board.
c. Read the minutes or provide written copies of the minutes to the members at each
d. Maintain copies of the Society's by-laws and any standing rules. Keep amendments
e. Monitor and assist the committee chairman for Membership Development
- Applications
- Distribute the Membership List
- Phone Tree
Section 10: The Treasurer shall:
a. Collect all dues.
b. Care for the Society’s funds in an appropriate manner in accordance with Article XII.
c. Pay bills promptly.
d. Submit a financial report at each meeting.
e. Provide a list of new members to the Membership Development Committee monthly.
f. Submit an annual summary report after the June meeting.
Section 11: The officers shall assist the President and other members of the Board in
accomplishing the objectives of the Society and shall deliver to their successors all
material pertaining to their offices within a timely period after the June meeting.
Section 1: The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers, chairpersons of the
standing committees and the immediate past President.
Section 2: Only elected members of the Executive Board shall
vote on Board-related issues.
Section 3:
a. Meetings of the Board shall be held at times and places mutually agreed upon,
whenever the need for such meetings arise, but in no event less than twice each year.
b. The purpose of such meetings shall be to plan short and long range goals pertaining to
each officer's duties and the Society's direction as a whole.
c. In addition, the Board shall prepare an annual budget to present to the general
membership for approval during the September general meeting.
d. A majority of Board members present shall constitute a sufficient number to pass any
e. Vacancies occurring in the Executive Board, except for the office of President, shall be
filled by the President, from the Society’s membership, with approval of the other
voting members of the Executive Board.
Special committees shall be created as needed with the chair being appointed by the
President. The committee can not act until an announcement of its membership is made
and the goals and timeline have been adopted by the membership.
A newsletter shall be published as determined by the general membership, as follows:
Section 1: Announcing future programs.
Section 2: Making the decisions of both the general meetings and Executive Board meetings
known to members.
Section 3: Making information which is of interest to the members available.
Article XI: ADDRESS: The Society's official USPS Box is where all mailed correspondence shall be
Section 1: The receipts and expenditures of the Society shall be recorded in accordance with
good business practices.
a. All receipts shall be identified as expenses for Membership, Newsletter, Advertising,
b. All expenditures shall be documented by a bill or voucher identifying the purpose of
Section 2: All expenditures for approved Society business that exceed the amount of seventyfive
dollars ($75.00) shall be presented for approval by the Society’s members at the
general meetings.
Section 3: Committee chairmen are responsible for staying within his or her approved budget.
Section 4: An annual financial report shall be prepared by the outgoing Treasurer detailing the
receipts and expenditures for the previous elective year. A summary of the report
shall be submitted after the June annual meeting.
Section 5: The financial records of the Society shall be audited annually at the end of each
elective year. The report shall be presented to the Executive Board and made available to
the general membership after the July meeting.
Article XIII: PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY: “Roberts Rules of Order” shall govern the proceedings
not otherwise covered in these By-laws.
Section 1: The President shall appoint a Parliamentarian Chair. Parliamentary duties shall be
handled by committee, under the 3rd Vice-President for Communications.”
Article XIV: AMENDMENTS: These By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the
members present at a general meeting, provided the amendment is submitted, in writing, at the
previous general meeting.
By Laws Prior to 2015 Amendments
Bead Society of Greater Kansas City By-Laws
as amended September 2007
Printed August 2008
Article I: NAME:
The name of this organization shall be “Bead Society of Greater Kansas City”, here
after referred to as the Society.
Because of our love of beads, our mission shall be to promote
interest in, to champion awareness about, to enhance knowledge of and to advance the study of
A. Membership shall be open to all persons who are interested in the mission and objectives of
the Society.
B. Annual membership fees of $12.00 shall be due in February. The Executive Board, subject to
ratification at the January meeting, shall fix the amount of annual dues for all members when
the budget is submitted. Dues shall be based on calendar years. First year dues may be
prorated monthly for new members who join within a calendar year. Honorary members
shall not be required to pay annual dues.
C. Any individual shall become a member upon payment of annual dues.
D. With the exception of honorary membership, persons who pay the appropriate dues for the
calendar year shall become members of the society. Individuals may be granted honorary
membership by a vote of the membership.
E. All members whose dues are paid current shall have the right to voice and vote in all general
meetings of the society. An honorary member shall not be entitled to voice nor vote in the
meetings of the society.
F. Any members whose dues are not paid by February 1 of the calendar year shall be notified.
Members who have not remitted their dues within thirty (30) days after notification shall be
dropped from the rolls without further notification.
G. Any member may resign in writing to the secretary. Members who have been dropped may
be reinstated at any time by the payment of one year’s dues. Only current members shall
have the right to vote or hold office in the society. Membership in this society is not
Section 1:
General meetings shall be held on the second (2nd) Friday of each month. A notice
stating the place, date and hour of any meeting shall be given in the society’s newsletter and
posted on the society’s web site. A business meeting of the members of the society shall be held
in conjunction with each general meeting. Special meetings of the members may be called by
the president, the executive board or by petition of not less than one-fourth (1/4) of the members
having voting rights.
Section 2:
At any general meeting a motion shall carry by a majority vote of the members
Article V: OFFICERS:
The elective officers shall be: President, First-Vice President (Program/Activity), Second Vice-
President (Ways & Means), Third Vice-President (Communications), Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 1:
a. Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting each June (starting 2007) to serve for a
term of one (1) year commencing at the beginning of the July meeting.
b. The members present at the June annual meeting shall constitute a sufficient number
to hold an election.
Section 2:
a. A nominating committee shall be installed prior to the June annual meeting. The
President shall appoint the chairperson and two members shall be elected from the
b. Said nominating committee shall prepare a list of candidates for the elective offices.
Such list shall be presented at the June annual meeting.
c. Nominations may also be made from the floor.
Section 3:
Officers shall be installed and assume their duties at the beginning of their term.
Section 1:
The elected officers shall meet to complete the Executive Board.
Section 2:
Board meetings are open to the general membership. Only elected officers shall vote.
Section 3:
No elected officer shall receive salaries or stipends for their services.
Section 4:
Only an elected officer shall sign contracts for approved activities.
Section 5:
The President shall:
a. Preside at all general and board meetings.
b. Prior to each meeting, prepare an agenda of business to be brought up at the meeting.
c. Appoint members to chair the Society's committees.
d. Be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
e. Appoint a person to collect and distribute mail from the Society’s official post office
Section 6:
1st Vice-President for Programs/Activities shall:
a. Assume the duties of the President in his or her absence.
b. Assume the Chairmanship of the Program Committee, i.e. provide programs at all
meetings and make arrangements for such meetings.
c. Monitor and assist the committee chairmen for all committees involving activities for
the Society including but not limited to:
(i.) Hospitality Committee
- New member orientation - i.e., welcome call, orientation packet, name
- Greeting members at meetings
- Refreshments
(ii.) Enrichment Committee
- Workshops
- Retreats
- Bead-Ins
(iii.) Volunteer Committee
- All volunteer efforts
Section 7:
2nd Vice President for Ways & Means (Fundraising) shall:
a. Assume the duties of the President or 1
st Vice President in his or her absence.
b. House and make available the Society's banner(s) and other signage.
c. Coordinate all fundraising activities.
d. Facilitate member discussions for the specific purpose of generating ideas for
fundraising events.
e. Monitor and assist the committee chairman for committees involved in fundraising
activities including but not limited to the following:
(i). Bead Blast Committee
- All aspects of the Bead Blast
(ii). Educational Resources Committee
- Maintain a list of qualified teachers
(iii). Marketing and Publicity Committee
- All aspects of advertising
Section 8:
3rd Vice-President for Communications
a. Assume the duties of the President, 1
st Vice President or 2nd Vice President in the
event of his or her absence.
Monitor and assist the committee chairman for committees involved in
communications including but not
limited to the following:
(i). Newsletter Committee
– All aspects of the Society’s newsletter.
(ii). Website / Email Committee
– All aspects of the website
– Direct email to the appropriate party
(iii). Librarian
- Obtain and maintain a library of books, videos and periodicals on the
subject of beads.
- Make the contents of the library available to members.
- Maintain a list of relevant books, videos and periodicals available for
(iv). Historian
- Maintain all Society records
- Maintain copies of newsletters, past and current.
- Keep a history of all events (i.e. pictures of Bead Blasts)
Section 9:
The Secretary shall:
a. Assume the duties of the President, 1st Vice President, 2
nd Vice President or 3rd Vice
President in the event of his or her absence.
b. Record the proceedings of all General Meetings and meetings of the Board.
c. Read the minutes or provide written copies of the minutes to the members at each
d. Maintain copies of the Society's by-laws and any standing rules. Keep amendments
e. Monitor and assist the committee chairman for Membership Development
- Applications
- Distribute the Membership List
- Phone Tree
Section 10:
The Treasurer shall:
a. Collect all dues.
b. Care for the Society’s funds in an appropriate manner in accordance with Article XII.
c. Pay bills promptly.
d. Submit a financial report at each meeting.
e. Provide a list of new members to the Membership Development Committee monthly.
f. Submit an annual summary report after the June meeting.
Section 11:
The officers shall assist the President and other members of the Board in
accomplishing the objectives of the Society and shall deliver to their successors all
material pertaining to their offices within a timely period after the June meeting.
Section 1:
The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers, chairpersons of the
standing committees and the immediate past President.
Section 2:
Only elected members of the Executive Board shall
vote on Board-related issues.
Section 3:
a. Meetings of the Board shall be held at times and places mutually agreed upon,
whenever the need for such meetings arise, but in no event less than twice each year.
b. The purpose of such meetings shall be to plan short and long range goals pertaining to
each officer's duties and the Society's direction as a whole.
c. In addition, the Board shall prepare an annual budget to present to the general
membership for approval during the September general meeting.
d. A majority of Board members present shall constitute a sufficient number to pass any
e. Vacancies occurring in the Executive Board, except for the office of President, shall be
filled by the President, from the Society’s membership, with approval of the other
voting members of the Executive Board.
Special committees shall be created as needed with the chair being appointed by the
President. The committee can not act until an announcement of its membership is made
and the goals and timeline have been adopted by the membership.
A newsletter shall be published as determined by the general membership, as follows:
Section 1:
Announcing future programs.
Section 2:
Making the decisions of both the general meetings and Executive Board meetings
known to members.
Section 3:
Making information which is of interest to the members available.
Article XI: ADDRESS:
The Society's official USPS Box is where all mailed correspondence shall be
Section 1:
The receipts and expenditures of the Society shall be recorded in accordance with
good business practices.
a. All receipts shall be identified as expenses for Membership, Newsletter, Advertising,
b. All expenditures shall be documented by a bill or voucher identifying the purpose of
Section 2:
All expenditures for approved Society business that exceed the amount of seventyfive
dollars ($75.00) shall be presented for approval by the Society’s members at the
general meetings.
Section 3:
Committee chairmen are responsible for staying within his or her approved budget.
Section 4:
An annual financial report shall be prepared by the outgoing Treasurer detailing the
receipts and expenditures for the previous elective year. A summary of the report
shall be submitted after the June annual meeting.
Section 5:
The financial records of the Society shall be audited annually at the end of each
elective year. The report shall be presented to the Executive Board and made available to
the general membership after the July meeting.
“Roberts Rules of Order” shall govern the proceedings
not otherwise covered in these By-laws.
Section 1:
The President shall appoint a Parliamentarian Chair. Parliamentary duties shall be
handled by committee, under the 3
rd Vice-President for Communications.”
These By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the
members present at a general meeting, provided the amendment is submitted, in writing, at the
previous general meeting.